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-=[ Meetings 2600 France ]=-
-=[ Update 1984 - 2024 ]=-

[A propos du 2600] [The Hacker Quarterly] [Meetings] [Historique] [IRC] [Memories]

 Dedicated to The Great Fallen Ones - RiP

Richard Cheshire (♡ ... - 🕯 2023) 🔗 Link
Kevin Mitnick (♡ 1963 - 🕯 2023) 🔗 Link
Mastervic (♡ .... - 🕯 2023) 🔗 Link
DVRasp (♡ 1977 - 🕯 2020) 🔗 Link
Ylujion (♡ 1984 - 🕯 2019) 🔗 Link
Philemon (♡ 1990 - 🕯 2018) 🔗 Link
Barnaby Jack (♡ 1977 - 🕯 2013) 🔗 Link
CrashFr (♡ 1981 - 🕯 2011) 🔗 Link

 -=[ Contact Email : Y29udGFjdEAyNjAwZnIubmV0 (DecodeBase64) - IRC : irc.2600.net #2600fr ]=-

00110010 00110110 00110000 00110000 01000110 01110010 01100001 01101110 01100011 01100101